

Believe it or not, this was the same guy who drove back to the ski club the next week after the previous (1985) year’s ski club Halloween party.

The costumes were inspired by the purple feather mask I had found at a craft festival. These costumes were probably the most challenging I had ever made. The feathers were difficult to handle and keep straight.

One of the most common components of most of my costumes is they usually have capes. I wish we all still wore capes. They are so much fun to move in, but especially fun to dance in.

I even made the tights to go with each of the costumes. I have to say this was probably one of the most comfortable costumes I had ever worn.

I also enjoy wearing masks and paints so no one can easily figure out who I am. I’m not sure why, but others who typically wear sexy revealing costumes, I have a tendency cover up most of my physical body and usually my face as well.